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Kaweco CLASSIC Sport ballpen bordeaux

21.95€ *

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In stock - Shipping in 2-4 days ( Germany )

  • 101002005
There are only a few writing instruments which have been successful in the market for decades... more
Kaweco CLASSIC Sport ballpen bordeaux

There are only a few writing instruments which have been successful in the market for decades without big changes. One of them is the Kaweco CLASSIC Sport. It follows the design of the year 1935. Outstanding because of its unique form and size.

For the Kaweco Sport ballpens fit the D1 Spare refills which you can get here in our shop.

In 1911 something special occurred with the Kaweco Sport. A pocket fountain pen which everyone could carry anywhere. Sepp Herberger already appreciated these characteristics. It was with a Kaweco Sport that the former coach of the German national soccer team wrote on a piece of paper his winning tactics which brought the Germans to the world cup in 1954.

Farbe: Bordeaux
Material: Kunststoff
Schreibsystem: Kugelschreiber
Kaweco AL Sport ballpen raw Kaweco AL Sport ballpen raw
56.50€ * 58.50€ *