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Already in the times of the Hanse single paper sheets were used beside wax- and slate tablets. The sorting was done with a needle on the table. The sheets were simply impaled after the processing. In the Off Lines brand program, the paper sheets are held together by a rubber band with a nice carton or leather cover which makes it a refillable notepad. If necessary, you can remove the sheets and put them elsewhere.

The A7 notes are also compatible with the Off Lines paper station for the desk. If you need a fitting writing instrument for the beautiful notepads, you can either choose from ballpoint pen or pencil. 


Already in the times of the Hanse single paper sheets were used beside wax- and slate tablets. The sorting was done with a needle on the table. The sheets were simply impaled after the processing.... read more »
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Already in the times of the Hanse single paper sheets were used beside wax- and slate tablets. The sorting was done with a needle on the table. The sheets were simply impaled after the processing. In the Off Lines brand program, the paper sheets are held together by a rubber band with a nice carton or leather cover which makes it a refillable notepad. If necessary, you can remove the sheets and put them elsewhere.

The A7 notes are also compatible with the Off Lines paper station for the desk. If you need a fitting writing instrument for the beautiful notepads, you can either choose from ballpoint pen or pencil. 


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Kaweco Notizblock A5 Kaweco notepad A5
Kaweco notepad with high quality carton cover with embossing. Special treated paper for a softer fountain pen writing experience.
9.95€ *