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Kaweco pencil leads all-purpose 5.6 mm blue

Kaweco pencil leads all-purpose 5.6 mm blue
7.95€ *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Delivery time 21 Workdays

  • 101101012
The Kaweco pencil leads are made of a wax mixture and have an excellent quality. One package... more
Kaweco pencil leads all-purpose 5.6 mm blue

The Kaweco pencil leads are made of a wax mixture and have an excellent quality. One package includes 3 leads. Write and highlight on almost every surface. Glass, stone and wood are not a problem. Additional the colour is wipeable.

The Kaweco 5.6 x 80 mm pencil leads fit in every 5.6mm clutch pencil of Kaweco.

If you want a lead for another model you find it here in the shop.

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