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Kaweco AC Sport fountain pen red

109.00€ *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

In stock - Shipping in 2-4 days ( Germany )


  • 101024003.2
Kaweco managed to integrate passionate emotions into this writing instrument. We proudly... more
Kaweco AC Sport fountain pen red

Kaweco managed to integrate passionate emotions into this writing instrument. We proudly present the first Kaweco in „light-weight design“: The AC Sport!

A big program of perfect ink cartridges for the Kaweco fountain pen you can get here in our shop.

The AC Sport was inspired by the today's sports car construction. Aluminum and carbon are no longer just decorative elements but influence many things in dynamism and efficiency of a vehicle. In addition to the appearance they influence the writing comfort of a pen by feel and weight.

Farbe: Rot
Federmaterial: Gold, Stahl
Federstärke: Breit, Extra Breit, Extra Fein, Fein, Medium
Material: Aluminium
Schreibsystem: Füllhalter
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