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Kaweco STUDENT rollerball 60's Swing

56.50€ *

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In stock - Shipping in 2-4 days ( Germany )

  • 101043015
The STUDENT series was developed for frequent writers. Not only the ergonomic shape, but also... more
Kaweco STUDENT rollerball 60's Swing

The STUDENT series was developed for frequent writers. Not only the ergonomic shape, but also the precious resin acrylic and the ideally adjusted size provide a noticeably comfortable writing experience. 

A blast from the past: The colors of the 60’s, green and crème, combined with warm golden decorative elements, underline the nostalgic image of our new STUDENT series. A must-have for all vintage lovers.

The series is available as a fountain pen, roller ball and ballpen.

For the Kaweco rollerballs fit the DIN rollerball refills which you can get here in our shop.

Kaweco's story of success once began in a small retail store near the University of Heidelberg, Germany in 1883. Since that time Kaweco and students have been an inseparable connection. Especially in the sixties Kaweco fountain pens were very popular study companions. Till this day Kaweco has set its goal to design reliable writing instruments for young people. The idea of the Kaweco STUDENT arose herefrom.

Farbe: Creme, Gold, Grün
Material: Edelharz
Schreibsystem: Rollerball