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TWSBI Tri-Tech iSmart multifunction pen dark blue

TWSBI TRI-TECH iSmart Multifunktion Dunkelblau
23.00€ *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Delivery time 45 Workdays

  • 110008003
The TWSBI TriTech iSmart is a 3 function multifunction-stylus-pen. A black ballpoint pen, a red... more
TWSBI Tri-Tech iSmart multifunction pen dark blue

The TWSBI TriTech iSmart is a 3 function multifunction-stylus-pen. A black ballpoint pen, a red ballpoint pen and a mechanical pencil are included in addition to the stylus on the cap.

Just turn the clip to extend the various tips. The set includes replacement leads for each writing system and a replacement stylus tip. The TriTech iSmart comes in a robust plastic packaging with a nice paper slip over it with the TWSBI logo.

TWSBI's name stands for the phrase "Hall of Three Cultures". TWSBI’s Mission is to inspire and recapture the romanticism of art and literature…starting with the pen. To achieve this mission TWSBI is dedicated to manufacturing the highest quality and precision writing instruments. Tailoring the products according to the customer's wants and needs and providing a great customer service.

Farbe: Blau
Material: Kunststoff
Schreibsystem: Kugelschreiber, Mechanischer Bleistift
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