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Pelikan classic 205 cartridge fountain pen black silver

Pelikan classic 205 cartridge fountain pen black silver
110.00€ *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Delivery time 90 Workdays

Nib Size:

  • 115002014.1
A classic shape with a practical filling mechanism The silver model P205 has a highly... more
Pelikan classic 205 cartridge fountain pen black silver

A classic shape with a practical filling mechanism

The silver model P205 has a highly polished stainless steel nib that is available in three sizes: F, M, and B. To exchange the cartridge, the fountain pen can be screwed open right at the ring.
This is also the part that has to be exchanged in case of a nib change.

This cartridge fountain pen has a length of 12,2cm and weighs 12,0g

Farbe: Schwarz, Silber
Federmaterial: Stahl
Federstärke: Breit, Fein, Medium
Schreibsystem: Füllhalter
Material: Kunstharz
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