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Products from X17

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X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Kastanie-A6_014 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
49.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Texon-Stone-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 Texon stone
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Cognac-A6_012 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
49.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Liniert X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 refill pack lined
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
8.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Schwarz-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa black
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Violett-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa violet
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Kariert X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 refill pack plaid
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
9.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Gepunktet X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 refill pack dotted
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
12.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Schwarz-A6_001 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 Lefa black
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Blanko X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 refill pack, blank
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
8.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Liniert X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 refill pack lined
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
12.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Texon-Stone-A6_017 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 Texon stone
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-superbuch-lefa-natural-mix-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa natural mix
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Weiss-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa white
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
24.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Orange-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa orange
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Texon-Schwarz-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 Texon black
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Grün-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa green
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa green X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa green
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Cognac-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
84.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Rot-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa red
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Rot-A6_008 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa red
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Violett-A6_009 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa violet
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa yellow X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa yellow
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Kariert X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 refill pack plaid
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
8.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Blau-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa blue
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Weiss-A6_010 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa white
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa graphit X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa graphit
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Schwarz-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
84.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Texon-Schwarz-A6_016 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 Texon black
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Orange-A6_007 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa orange
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Kastanie-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
84.90€ *
X17-Visitenkarten-Doppeltasche-Kunststoff-A6_003001 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6: double pocket
The double pocket A6 made of soft, transparent plastic can be attached behind a booklet or a clamping fixture in the notebook. She has two compartments on the left for credit or business cards. On the right side you will find a larger...
4.90€ *
X17 SuperBuch A6 lefa natural mix X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa natural mix
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Naturleder-Schwarz-A6_015 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 genuine natural...
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
49.90€ *
X17-Visitenkarten-Doppeltasche-Kunststoff-A5_003002 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 double pocket
The double pocket A5 made of soft, transparent plastic can be attached behind a booklet or a clamping fixture in the notebook. She has two compartments on the left for credit or business cards. On the right side you will find a larger...
4.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Graphit-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa graphit
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Blanko X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 refill pack blank
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
12.90€ *
X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa blue X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa blue
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Gelb-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa yellow
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Nachfüll-Doppelpack-Gepunktet X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 refill pack dotted
Set of 2 notebooks (64 pages) as a refill pack for X 17 SuperBuch.
8.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Magenta-A5 X17 SuperBuch notebook A5 lefa magenta
The X17 SuperBuch in the clear format DIN A5 offers plenty of space for ideas and sketches. It is already standard with 3 different inserts (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the...
34.90€ *
X17-Superbuch-Leder-Magenta-A6_006 X17 SuperBuch notebook A6 lefa magenta
The X17 SuperBuch in the handy A6-format is already equipped with 3 different blankets (blank, plaid and lined). As a modular notebook, it is possible to update and exchange the individual books as required ("Book by Book" system, see...
25.90€ *