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Spacetec Series

The SPACETEC by Diplomat gas-pressurised refill writes even upwards, under water, in blazing heat (up to 200° Celsius), the freezing cold (down to -50° Grad Celsius) and moreover in the gravity free void. It should write for over three miles before requiring a refill - three times longer than most ball point pens.

The SPACETEC by Diplomat gas-pressurised refill writes even upwards, under water, in blazing heat (up to 200° Celsius), the freezing cold (down to -50° Grad Celsius) and moreover in the gravity... read more »
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Spacetec Series

The SPACETEC by Diplomat gas-pressurised refill writes even upwards, under water, in blazing heat (up to 200° Celsius), the freezing cold (down to -50° Grad Celsius) and moreover in the gravity free void. It should write for over three miles before requiring a refill - three times longer than most ball point pens.

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Diplomat Spacetec Pocket Kugelschreiber Titan Diplomat Spacetec Pocket ballpen titanium
The Diplomat ballpen Spacetec Pocket offers a very slim all-metal case in different colors. Due to its dimensions, it is particularly suitable for use in schedule books or appointment calendars on the go. Closed this pen is about 10 cm...
34.95€ * 36.00€ *
Diplomat Spacetec Pocket Kugelschreiber Schwarz Diplomat Spacetec Pocket ballpen black
The Diplomat ballpen Spacetec Pocket offers a very slim all-metal case in different colors. Due to its dimensions, it is particularly suitable for use in schedule books or appointment calendars on the go. Closed this pen is about 10 cm...
34.95€ * 36.00€ *
Diplomat Spacetec Pocket Kugelschreiber Chrom Diplomat Spacetec Pocket ballpen chrome
The Diplomat ballpen Spacetec Pocket offers a very slim all-metal case in different colors. Due to its dimensions, it is particularly suitable for use in schedule books or appointment calendars on the go. Closed this pen is about 10 cm...
34.95€ *
Diplomat Spacetec Pocket Kugelschreiber Blau Diplomat Spacetec Pocket ballpen blue
The Diplomat ballpen Spacetec Pocket offers a very slim all-metal case in different colors. Due to its dimensions, it is particularly suitable for use in schedule books or appointment calendars on the go. Closed this pen is about 10 cm...
34.95€ * 36.00€ *
Diplomat Spacetec Pocket Kugelschreiber Pink Diplomat Spacetec Pocket ballpen pink
The Diplomat ballpen Spacetec Pocket offers a very slim all-metal case in different colors. Due to its dimensions, it is particularly suitable for use in schedule books or appointment calendars on the go. Closed this pen is about 10 cm...
34.95€ * 36.00€ *