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Original design redefined.

 A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco:

The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of the surface creates great exclusivity. The purist design of the writing instruments harmonises wonderfully with the solid aluminium body, the chrome-plated elements and highly scratch-resistant anodisation.

Original design redefined.  A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco: The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte... read more »
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Original design redefined.

 A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco:

The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of the surface creates great exclusivity. The purist design of the writing instruments harmonises wonderfully with the solid aluminium body, the chrome-plated elements and highly scratch-resistant anodisation.

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Kaweco Original Ball Pen Black Chrome Kaweco Original Ball Pen Black Chrome
Original designredefined. A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco:The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the mattelook of the surface creates great exclusivity.The purist...
79.00€ *
Kaweco ORIGINAL Füllhalter 060 Schwarz Chrom OHNE FEDER Kaweco ORIGINAL Fountain Pen 060 Black Chrome
Original design redefined. A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco: The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of the surface creates great exclusivity. The...
From 89.50€ *
Kaweco ORIGINAL Füllhalter 060 Schwarz Chrom OHNE FEDER Kaweco ORIGINAL Fountain Pen 250 Black Chrome
Original design redefined. A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco: The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of the surface creates great exclusivity. The...
109.00€ *