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Waldmann Manager Series

Keep track of things in stressful times and simply know what you can really rely on. For those who do not want to take the book out of their hands, the classic Manager model series is an absolute must on your own desk.

Keep track of things in stressful times and simply know what you can really rely on. For those who do not want to take the book out of their hands, the classic Manager model series is an absolute... read more »
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Waldmann Manager Series

Keep track of things in stressful times and simply know what you can really rely on. For those who do not want to take the book out of their hands, the classic Manager model series is an absolute must on your own desk.

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Waldmann Manager piston fountain pen steel nib Waldmann Manager piston fountain pen
Like all Waldmann fountain pens, the manager is also equipped with a stainless steel spring or with an 18 kt. Bi Color Goldspring. Both spring versions have an iridium point and now available in the spring strength EF, F, M and B. Cap...
From 514.00€ *